Monday, June 24, 2024

 LABAS!  I got a wonderfully fun gift from my daughter on Father's Day.  Because of the hot sunny weather we are having, this hat will come in handy. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 I haven't been able to travel to Lithuania in awhile, and now the pandemic, so I am concentrating on my pottery projects. I got inspired to make these owls when I saw a real one in my backyard. The real owl was a different color lol. They are about 8 and 9 inches tall. Next project is a penguin. The best of New Year to you, siso gero Nauju Metu jums

Monday, September 29, 2014

Jurbarkas July 2014

This is a friends house in Jurbarkas. Draugo Namas Jurbarke.
This is a building that usually has Amber exhibits. But this year is has some renovations going on, so no Amber shows. Tas Namas rodo daug visokiu Dalyku kur padaryti is Gintaro. Sitais Metais nerodo, nes jie daug remontuo tam Name.
These are family members from Jurbarkas. Cia Seimyna is Jurbarko.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Old Town Kaunas 2014

Well I made it to Lithuania this year. I stayed there for 2 weeks. Nine days out of 2 weeks was more rain then sun. Had some sun, but not enough. Last 3 days I had some good sun, 80F. One of those days I and family went to Palanga. There, by the beach it was 86F.We had some fine food and some good beer. It was crowded. Forgot my shorts, had to buy a pair. Cost me 40$.Thats what you get. The next day we went to Kaunas. The old part of Kaunas. The 3 pictures are of old Kaunas. It is very beautiful. Sita Meta as buvau Lietuvoij. Dvi Savaites. Buvo daug Lietaus. Tris Dienas buvo Saule. Viena Diena buvau Palange. 86F. Daug Saules. Kita Diena buvau Kaune. Senam Mieste. Labai graziai atrode. Trys paveikslai nuo Seno Miesto. Pavalgiau Lietuviska Valgy ir skanaus Lietuvisko Alaus.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Labas    Hello, welcome to my chicken coup. I have 9 chickens. Finally they are beginning to lay some eggs. During the winter they give me only 1 egg a day. Now I am getting 6, that is because the temperature is getting warmer. Dabar jos pradeda man kiausiniu duoti. Kai salta, neduoda daugiau kaip 1. Dabar as gaunu 6 per Diena. Dabar ira 70F.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Soup Bowls

This is my clay class. Last year the senior center asked the class  to make 50 bowls for a charity event, to make money for the center. It turned out so great, that now they want us to make 100 bowls. My wife and I made 48 bowls so far. The people in the class are helping some. Most of the bowls that are made are on top of the cabinet. Two of the bowls that I made, are the 2 you see. Kaip jus matote, as du padariau . Jau ira 48 puodai padaryti. Man ir zmonai raikia dar 52 padaryti. Kai simta turesim, tai parduasim ir pinigu bus padaryta sitam seneliu centre. Tai gales jie ka nusipirkti ka jiems raikes. Zmona ir as padarem 48.

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Joint Project

Another pot that I made last month, my wife helped me with the top of the piece. I have to give her credit , she is standing right in back of me.
Mano Zmona prie sito man biski padejo.